Friday, July 9, 2010

Oh, never mind! II

Who says the wheels of justice grind slow? (Or fine, for that matter!) Those ten deep-cover Russian spies have already been "whisked off" to a prison  tougher than any they'd face in the United States. The operative verb is from the New York Times story, whose summary says it all:
Suspects in a Russian spy ring pleaded guilty, facilitating a prisoner exchange between Russia and the United States and ending an episode that had threatened relations.
Because, after all, who needs a trial any longer? The president does it all, at less expense, less delay, and less damage to everything except the notion that justice is not supposed to be a one-man operation.

If I seem disgruntled--well, it's been a very hot week, and I was so looking forward to more revelations about the slinky Ms. Chapman. Blue skies! -- Dan Ford

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