Monday, July 19, 2010

BP and the Lockerbie bomber

The Wall Street Journal weighs in this morning on the prisoner swap that involved freeing the man who brought down an airliner over Scotland, in exchange for letting BP go forward on drilling for oil off the Libyan coast. To my knowledge, WSJ was the first to stir this particular pot, but now the U.S. Senate has chimed in, demanding--guess what?--a moratorium on the project. It used to be that appointing a commission was Washington's all-purpose solution to every problem. Now the president and Congressfolk appoint a commission and call for a moratorium. I'm not sure what these moratoria are supposed to accomplish, other than driving up the cost of oil, and perhaps driving BP out of business.

Libya could resolve this problem by ensuring that the convicted man, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, who was released on the word of a Scottish doctor that he was about to die, does indeed expire on schedule. In short, put a moratorium on Mr. al-Megrahi. Blue skies! -- Dan Ford

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