Sunday, April 4, 2010

On saving employers money

The Gray Lady has a curious story this morning, damning a company that contests bogus unemployment claims. "When fewer former workers get aid, a company pays lower unemployment taxes," explains the reporter somewhat disingenuously. Um, right, but doesn't the American taxpayer save money as well? So isn't this a good thing overall?

One would hope that this is just an example of overambitious muckraking on a dull morning, but it fits into a pattern of finding businesses and blaming them for all our problems. A meltdown of the financial system--blame the banks, never the Federal Reserve or Barney Frank. Exploding health-care costs--blame the drug companies and, more recently, blame the insurance companies for raising rates. And now we have this niche company named Talx (an odd name, as the reporter ominously notes in his very first sentence) being demonized in a time of unemployment. (But not for government workers, and evidently not for reporters with imagination.) Blue skies! -- Dan Ford

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