Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On unequal genders

The New York Times has another of those unintentionally hilarious stories, this one about the terrible problem of how universities are getting around Title Nine, the requirement that men and women participate equally in sports. It seems that, to meet the numbers, some women's teams admit unqualified athletes (think of that!) and some even allow men to join women's teams (which, come to think of it, is the obvious solution to the whole problem: abolish same-sex teams!).

The three-part story goes on and on, piling injustice upon injustice, but I stopped reading at this revelation: "But as women have grown to 57 percent of American colleges’ enrollment, athletic programs have increasingly struggled to field a proportional number of female athletes."

Whoa! Stop right there! There are fifty-seven women on campus for forty-three men? Now, that's inequality we can believe in. Why is there no government program to address it, if only to ensure that all those unqualified women athletes will have someone to hook up with? Blue skies! -- Dan Ford

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