Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Now Gaddafi can breath again!

I suppose it's churlish of me, after weeks of urging that our Follower in Chief get off the dime and do something to help the Libyan rebels, to complain about Mr Obama's apologetic declaration of war--er, kinetic action--last night. So I'll just pass along this, from NBC News via Newsbusters (boldface as on the website):
WILLIE GEIST: What's the reaction there [in Libya], though, not only from the rebels but if any from Colonel Gaddafi to what the president said last night about not wanting to wait to see images of mass graves and slaughter of civilians before he intervened? What are they saying there?

JIM MACEDA: Well, there hasn't been any official comment, Willie, from Gaddafi or from the regime or from the compound, yet. I can tell you that the whole, the atmospherics here of the government officials and minders is very different. They had gone to ground for a number of days: very quiet, very tense. They're looking much more themselves: much more bellicose, much more defiant in the past 24 hours. I would think, it's an educated guess but I would say that Gaddafi, after hearing that speech ... that the regime now is feeling a lot better. That they're feeling that they dodged a bullet. If NATO's taking over, they like that. They've got much better relations with NATO than with the United States in general. And they love the idea that the US position as stated by Obama is that they're not looking for regime change. Soon as he heard that, I'm sure Gaddafi was quite excited. He thinks he can probably negotiate his way out of this as he has over the past 41 years in other situations.
The video is on the Newsbusters site. Blue skies! -- Dan Ford

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